If you have any questions, please contact us.
Additional documents for applicants in SCIENCE fields required by the Graduate School
There may be some changes in the below information before the entrance procedures period. You should recheck the updated information before submission.
Download and print out, then submit the below documents by each deadline with/after the submission of the STEP 1 documents.
3*: You need your NEW Student ID Card Number that will be issued in April, for your ID and password to log in.
After completing the course of APRIN e-learning program, get a CCR (Course Completion Report) issued, and then submit it with the above sheet 1 or 2, the “Course plan” to your academic advisor.
Other additional documents including important information.
Read them and register if you need.
The document #5 to 9, 11 and 12 that are used for other page, are missing numbers on this page for convenience.