
Policy on the Formulation and Implementation of Education Curricula in Graduate Programs

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Policy on the Formulation and Implementation of Education Curricula in Graduate Programs

To uphold “The Spirit of Freedom and Independence” To embrace “Involvement in Society from a Global Perspective” To acquire “Specialized Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities” To develop “Excellent Problem-solving Skills”
Graduate School of Science and Engineering First Stage Doctoral Program To support students in ascertaining an in-depth knowledge in science, engineering, and related field as well as a broader and overarching science-engineering perspective, the education curricula of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering will enable students to:
  • Engage in independent study and research activities
  • Foster abilities for flexible thinking and in-depth insight
  • Take specific actions using academic knowledge, thinking, and insight based on own judgment and plans
To realize human talents with flexible thinking and communication skills from a global perspective, the Graduate School of Science and Engineering will provide opportunities for students to:
  • Study and conduct research on how science and engineering relate to society from global perspectives
  • Effectively communicate with individuals from other professional fields and backgrounds on subjects related to their field of specialization
To realize human talents with specialized knowledge, skills, and abilities, the Graduate School of Science and Engineering will provide opportunities for students to:
  • Develop in-depth knowledge in science, engineering, and related fields
  • Utilize knowledge to solve actual problems
  • Understand the relationship between their specialized fields and related fields via overarching science and engineering educational experiences
  • Contribute to innovation
To realize human talents with excellent problem-solving skills, the Graduate School of Science and Engineering will provide opportunities for students to:
  • Solve issues by comprehensively and systematically organizing specialized knowledge
  • Foster practical problem-solving skills through cooperation and collaboration with others
  • Cultivate a universal capacity that forms the basis of problem-solving via advanced general education
Second Stage Doctoral Program To support students aspiring to become researchers or university professors, the education curricula of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering will enable students to:
  • Develop strong research ethics
  • Set own research themes
  • Perform independent research
  • Plan and manage own progress of academic dissertation
To encourage students to develop flexible thinking and communication skills from a global perspective, the Graduate School of Science and Engineering will provide opportunities for students to:
  • Understand and find solutions to problems related to their field of specialization from a global perspective
  • Present their research results to international audiences and to audiences from different fields
  • Interact with diverse groups of people based on an understanding of diverse cultures and history in and outside of Japan
To realize human talents with specialized knowledge, skills, and abilities, the Graduate School of Science and Engineering will provide opportunities for students to:
  • Cultivate advanced expertise in education, flexible thinking, logical thinking, and the means of expression
  • Acquire highly specialized research skills
  • Proactively create new wisdom and value in preparation for their academic dissertation
  • Contribute to innovation
To realize human talents with excellent problem-solving skills, the Graduate School of Science and Engineering will provide opportunities for students to:
  • Share professional information and knowledge in their specialized field with researchers and research associates
  • Facilitate joint research in cooperation and collaboration from a leadership position in preparation of their academic dissertation
  • Engage in research and education as independent and guiding researchers